
Простое упражнение на упoтребление неопределенного артикля в английском языке.

Вставьте артикль a/an и the, где это необходимо.


1. This is … pen. … pen is red.
2. These are pencils. … pencils are black.
3. This is … soup. … soup is so tasty.
4. In the morning I eat … sandwich and drink … tea.
5. She gave me … coffee and … cake. … coffee was hot. … cake was very tasty.
6. Do you like … ice cream?
7. I see … book in your … hand. Is … book interesting?
8. Do you need … camera?
9. He never eats … meat, he always eats … vegetables, … cereals, … seeds, … fruit, and … nuts. He is … vegetarian.
10. This is … pineapple. … pineapple is delicious.
11. Elaine, … apples are good for you!
12. My … cousin is upset. He’s got … sore throat.
13. This is … cottage cheese. … cottage cheese is fresh.
14. She bought … meat, … butter and … potatoes yesterday. She also bought … cake. … cake was … delicious. We ate … cake and drank … tea.
15. This is my … table. On … table I have … books, two … pencils, … pen and … paper.
16. This is … bag. … bag is brown. It is my sister’s … bag. And this is my … bag. It is … yellow.

1. This is a pen. The pen is red. — Это ручка. Ручка красная.

2. These are pencils. The pencils are black. — Это карандаши. Карандаши черные.

3. This is soup. The soup is so tasty. — Это суп. Суп вкусный.

4. In the morning I eat a sandwich and drink tea. — Утром я съедаю бутерброд и пью чай.

5. She gave me coffee and a cake. The coffee was hot. The cake was very tasty. — Она дала мне кофе и пирожное. Кофе было горячим. Пирожное было вкусным.

6. Do you like ice cream? — Ты любишь мороженое?

7. I see a book in your hand. Is the book interesting? — Я вижу книгу в твоей рук. Книга интересная?

8. Do you need a camera? — Тебе нужна камера?

9. He never eats meat, he always eats vegetables, cereals, seeds, fruit, and nuts. He is a vegetarian. — Он никогда не ест мясо, он всегда ест овощи, крупу, семена, фрукты и орехи. Он вегетарианец.

10. This is a pineapple. The pineapple is delicious. — Это ананас. Ананас вкусный.

11. Elaine, apples are good for you! — Элейн, яблоки для тебя полезны!

12. My cousin is upset. He’s got a sore throat. — Мой двоюродный брат расстроен. У него болит горло.

13. This is cottage cheese. The cottage cheese is fresh. — Это творог. Творог свежий.

14. She bought meat, butter and potatoes yesterday. She also bought a cake. The cake was delicious. We ate the cake and drank tea. — Она купила мясо, масло и картошку вчера. Также она купила торт. торт был вкусный. Мы съели торт и выпили чай.

15. This is my table. On the table I have books, two pencils, a pen and paper. — Это мой стол. На столе у меня есть книги, два карандаша, ручка и бумага.

16. This is a bag. The bag is brown. It is my sister’s bag. And this is my bag. It is yellow. — Это сумка. Сумка коричневая. Это сумка моей сестры. А это моя сумка. Она желтая.