ЕГЭ: Упражнение 3 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Marion was looking forward to her weekend with her grandparents.
B) Marion picked fruit in her grandmother’s orchard.
C) The garden at Marion’s house is big enough for a few plants.
D) Marions grandmother sells her produce from time to time.
E) Marion doesn’t like cows and pigs.
F) Marion made breakfast for her family on the first day.
G) Henry will go to the farm with Marion next month.

A) Marion was looking forward to her weekend with her grandparents. FALSE
B) Marion picked fruit in her grandmother’s orchard. FALSE
C) The garden at Marion’s house is big enough for a few plants. TRUE
D) Marions grandmother sells her produce from time to time. TRUE
E) Marion doesn’t like cows and pigs. NOT STATED
F) Marion made breakfast for her family on the first day. FALSE
G) Henry will go to the farm with Marion next month. NOT STATED


Henry: Hey Marion, how was your weekend at your grandparents’ farm?

Marion: Oh it was really great, Henry! There were plenty of things to do, and I wasn’t bored at all, like I thought I might be.

Henry: Yes, last week you mentioned you didn’t want to spend your weekend in the country. But I guess it turned out OK then?

Marion: It did. I’d forgotten that my grandmother had a huge garden, and there were lots of fresh vegetables that we picked on Saturday. She’s also got a small apple orchard, although the apples weren’t ripe enough for picking yet.

Henry: I like working in the garden, actually. I mean, we haven’t got a big one here in town.

Marion: We’ve got room for a row of green beans and a couple of fruit bushes in ours, that’s all. So actually it was quite nice to see a real garden. I think it’s a lot of work though. There was enough produce to take to the farmer’s market in town. Gran makes a bit of money from it sometimes.

Henry: Do your grandparents have any farm animals?

Marion: Just a couple of horses. And they’ve got three dogs, but I wouldn’t consider the dogs farm animals.

Henry: Oh, I see. I thought there would be cows and pigs roaming about.

Marion: No, neither of my grandparents care for that sort of stuff It’s an enormous job to take care of those animals. Oh, I’ve just remembered actually. My gran does have some chickens. They’re in the barn with the horses. She keeps them to produce eggs.

Henry: Did you have some while you were there?

Marion: Yes, we did that first morning. Gran made omelettes for everyone. There were four of us for breakfast, so she had to use quite a few eggs. Luckily she didn’t have to go into town and get more, well, at least not until the next day.

Henry: It sounds as though you had a great weekend. I’m envious, actually. I wouldn’t mind getting out of town and doing something different.

Marion: You’re welcome to come with me next time, if you like. I’m sure you’d love it. We’ll be going in another month. I’ll ask you about it again nearer the time.

Henry: Thanks, I’ll keep it in mind!

Упр. 2 | 3 | 4