Упражнение на английские префиксы (приставки)

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Attempts to communicate in a foreign language can easily (1) … (fire). I’m always (2) … (to appoint) by my attempts to get speak Greek.
The waiter on Myconos (3) … (to understand) what I wanted and instead of beetroots brought me mushrooms. I (4) … (to like) mushrooms intensely, but when I asked him to (5) … (to place) them with beetroots he smiled, went into the kitchen and (6) … (to turn) with a plateful of aubergines.
He also (7) … (to take) my friendly attitude towards everyone I meet, and when I complained that they had (8) … (to cook) the meat, Manuel (that was his name if I am not (9) … (to take) ), grinned and twirled his moustache. To cap it all, I (10) … (to read) the bill and accused the poor man of (11) … (to charge) me! It was just my awful Greek again.

Attempts to communicate in a foreign language can easily misfire. I’m always disappointed by my attempts to get speak Greek. — Попытки общаться на иностранном языке могут легко дать осечку. Я всегда разочаровываюсь попытками заговорить по-гречески.

The waiter on Myconos misunderstood what I wanted and instead of beetroots brought me mushrooms. I dislike mushrooms intensely, but when I asked him to replace them with beetroots he smiled, went into the kitchen and returned with a plateful of aubergines. — Официант на острове Миконос не правильно понял, что я хочу, и вместо свёклы принес мне грибы. Я очень не люблю грибы, но, когда я попросил его заменить грибы свёклой, он улыбнулся, пошел на кухню и вернулся с тарелкой баклажанов.

He also mistook my friendly attitude towards everyone I meet, and when I complained that they had overcooked (или undercooked) the meat, Manuel (that was his name if I am not mistaken) grinned and twirled his moustache. To cap it all, I re-read the bill and accused the poor man of overcharging me! It was just my awful Greek again. — Он также не понял моего дружеского отношения ко всем, кого я встречал, а когда я пожаловался, что мясо было переваренное (недоваренное), Мануэль (так его звали, если я не ошибаюсь) ухмыльнулся и подкрутил свои усы. И в довершении всего я перечитал счет я обвинил бедного человека в завышении цены! Это снова был мой ужасный греческий язык.