Упражнение 1 на английские идиомы

Выполняем упражнение 1 на английские идиомы.

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1. Her new CD sells like ___ cakes.

2. His birthday was fantastic. He got lots of cards and presents but the ___ on the cake was the surprise party his friends threw for him.

3. You can organise the party. It will be a ___ of cake for you.

4. Sarah wants to go away for her birthday but she also wants to have a big party with all her friends. It sounds to me like she wants to have her cake and ___ it.

like hot cakes — нарасхват

the icing on the cake — изюминка, ключевой момент, наиболее интересный момент

a piece of cake — пустячное дело

have cake and eat it — гоняться за двумя зайцами, сидеть на двух стульях

1. Her new CD sells like hot cakes. — Ее новый компакт-диск очень хорошо продается.

2. His birthday was fantastic. He got lots of cards and presents but the icing on the cake was the surprise party his friends threw for him. — Его день рождение был фантастическим. Он получил много открыток и подарков, но изюминкой стала вечеринка, которую его друзья устроили для него.

3. You can organise the party. It will be a piece of cake for you. — Ты можешь организовать вечеринку. Для тебя это очень просто.

4. Sarah wants to go away for her birthday but she also wants to have a big party with all her friends. It sounds to me like she wants to have her cake and eat it. — Сара хочет уехать на свой день рождения, но она также хочет устроить вечеринку с друзьями. Похоже, что на гонится за двумя зайцами.