Упражнение 1 на английские времена

Здесь находится упражнение 1 на английские времена.

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The first Wednesday in every month (be) a Perfectly Awful Day. Every floor must be spotless, every chair dustless and every bed without a wrinkle. Ninety-seven little orphans must be scrubbed and combed and reminded of their manners and told to say «Yes, sir», «No, sir», whenever a Trustee (speak).

It (be) a distressing time; and poor Jerusha Abbott (have) to bear the brunt of it. But this particular Wednesday, like its predecessors, finally (drag) itself to a close. Jerusha (escape) from the pantry where she (make) sandwiches and (turn) upstairs to do her regular work. Her special care (be) room F. Jerusha (assemble) her charges, (straighten) their frocks, (wipe) their noses and (send) them to the dining-room.

Then she (drop) down on the window seat and (lean) her forehead against the cool glass. She (be) on her feet since fi ve that morning. The day (to end) — quite successfully, so far as she (know). The Trustees and the visiting committee (make) their rounds and (read) their reports and (drink) their tea. And now they (hurry) home.

The first Wednesday in every month WAS a Perfectly Awful Day. Every floor must bespotless, every chair dustless and every bed without a wrinkle. Ninety-seven little orphans must be scrubbed and combed and reminded of their manners and told to say «Yes, sir», «No, sir», whenever a Trustee SPOKE.

It WAS a distressing time; and poor Jerusha Abbott HAD to bear the brunt of it. But this particular Wednesday, like its predecessors, HAD finally DRAGGED itself to a close. Jerusha ESCAPED from the pantry where she HAD BEEN MAKING sandwiches and TURNED upstairs to do her regular work. Her special care WAS room F. Jerusha ASSEMBLED her charges, STRAIGHTENED their frocks, wiped their noses and SENT them to the dining-room.

Then she DROPPED down on the window seat and LEANED her forehead against the cool glass. She HAD BEEN on her feet since fi ve that morning.

The day HAD ENDED — quite successfully, so far as she knew. The Trustees and the visiting committee HAD MADE their rounds and HAD READ their reports and HAD DRUNK their tea. And now they WERE HURRYING home.

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