ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 40 на лексику

Упражнение 40 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Cold Comfort

The ice hotel in the town of Jukkasjarvi, is a __MEMORY__ and exciting holiday experience which is becoming one of Sweden’s most famous tourist destinations. The 40-room hotel, which is basically a vast igloo, has beds made of ice, which are surprisingly comfortable. Inside it is about —5 C, which is __CHILL__, but it is still very different from the -20 С outside, and you can keep warm by wearing lots of clothes. There is a very __ATTRACT__ bar that is always lively, and the hotel also has a beautiful chapel that is popular with couples who want to get married. For entertainment, there is a gallery displaying the work of professional artists, and the more __ENERGY__ guests can go skiing. If you’d like to visit, plan to go between December and March — it’s __POINT__ going any other time because the hotel melts and has to be re-built every year.

Cold Comfort

The ice hotel in the town of Jukkasjarvi, is a MEMORABLE and exciting holiday experience which is becoming one of Sweden’s most famous tourist destinations. The 40-room hotel, which is basically a vast igloo, has beds made of ice, which are surprisingly comfortable. Inside it is about —5 C, which is CHILLY, but it is still very different from the -20 С outside, and you can keep warm by wearing lots of clothes. There is a very ATTRACTIVE bar that is always lively, and the hotel also has a beautiful chapel that is popular with couples who want to get married. For entertainment, there is a gallery displaying the work of professional artists, and the more ENERGETIC guests can go skiing. If you’d like to visit, plan to go between December and March — it’s POINTLESS going any other time because the hotel melts and has to be re-built every year.