ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 37 на лексику

Упражнение 37 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Amnesty International is a Nobel

Prize-winning __ORGANIZE__ that works to support human rights around the world. It’s __DEPEND__ of any government or political party and has over a million members in 162 countries.
Amnesty International works to __FREEDOM__ all prisoners of conscience anywhere in the world. There are people who are in prison because of their beliefs, colour, ethnic __ORIGINAL__, language or religion.
Amnesty International tries to help these prisoners in two ways: first, by publicizing their cases and, __TWO__, by putting pressure on governments to practise human rights.

Amnesty International is a Nobel

Prize-winning ORGANIZATION that works to support human rights around the world. It’s INDEPENDENT of any government or political party and has over a million members in 162 countries.
Amnesty International works to FREE all prisoners of conscience anywhere in the world. There are people who are in prison because of their beliefs, colour, ethnic ORIGIN, language or religion.
Amnesty International tries to help these prisoners in two ways: first, by publicizing their cases and, SECOND, by putting pressure on governments to practise human rights.