ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 28 на лексику

Упражнение 28 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Mobile data traffic grew by 81 per cent across the world in 2013, making it NEAR 18 times the size of the entire internet in 2000.

Sadly, nowadays public wi-fi hotspots are quite SAFE, though.

Personal data should not be sent over them, as more criminals aim at your INFORM on open networks.

Users should be warned against addressing their personal information when they use an open SECURE wi-fi internet.

They should do this from home where they ACTUAL know the wi-fi and its security.

For example, you should not access your bank in a coffee shop. So remember that it may be too risky to send your PERSON data through the wi-fi.

Mobile data traffic grew by 81 per cent across the world in 2013, making it NEARLY 18 times the size of the entire internet in 2000.

Sadly, nowadays public wi-fi hotspots are quite UNSAFE, though.

Personal data should not be sent over them, as more criminals aim at your INFORMATION on open networks.

Users should be warned against addressing their personal information when they use an open INSECURE wi-fi internet.

They should do this from home where they ACTUALLY know the wi-fi and its security.

For example, you should not access your bank in a coffee shop. So remember that it may be too risky to send your PERSONAL data through the wi-fi.