ЕГЭ: Упражнение 2 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Lionel was only allowed to buy school clothes on his shopping trip.
B) Lionel saw some people he knew while shopping.
C) Sonia didn’t go shopping at the same time as Lionel.
D) Sonia wanted to talk to the man selling phone packages.
E) Sonia spoke to the phone salesman for about five minutes.
F) The man never asked Sonia to purchase a mobile phone package.
G) Sonia hopes she will appear on TV in a mobile phone advert.

A) Lionel was only allowed to buy school clothes on his shopping trip. FALSE
B) Lionel saw some people he knew while shopping. TRUE
C) Sonia didn’t go shopping at the same time as Lionel. TRUE
D) Sonia wanted to talk to the man selling phone packages. FALSE
E) Sonia spoke to the phone salesman for about five minutes. NOT STATED
F) The man never asked Sonia to purchase a mobile phone package. TRUE
G) Sonia hopes she will appear on TV in a mobile phone advert. NOT STATED


Sonia: How was your weekend, Lionel? Did you do anything to get ready for going back to school?

Lionel: Yeah, in fact I did. My mum took me on a little shopping spree. I picked up some new trousers and a few new shirts. I also got some school supplies, you know, pens and pencils etc. I wanted to get some video games, but Mum said she was only buying school-related items.

Sonia: Oh. It’s nice to have some new clothes for school, though. Were there a lot of people out?

Lionel: Oh yeah, the shopping centre was packed. I met some classmates, like Neil and Jody. Seems that they had the same idea I had.

Sonia: Well, school starts next week, so it’s time to get prepared. My dad and I went a week ago, when the sales first started. Hardly anyone was around, actually. We went on a Thursday, though. I’m sure it was busy that weekend. Although I did get to do something really cool at a mobile phone display.

Lionel: Oh I saw that! Some guy was stopping people and asking them questions. What was that all about?

Sonia: The guy caught me just as I was passing by. I wasn’t paying attention, or I would have avoided him. But actually he was really nice and funny.

Lionel: What did he say to you?

Sonia: He asked me how I communicate with friends, if it’s by email or text, or if I make calls, and if I like to take photos with my phone. Actually, the whole mini-interview was on camera, so I might be in one of their adverts.

Lionel: That’s cool. Did you sign up for their phone service?

Sonia: The funny thing was, he didn’t try to sell me anything. He just asked if they could use the video footage in one of their adverts, and I signed a form saying it was OK.

Lionel: I see. They wanted to make an impression on you. If they use you in one of their adverts, maybe you’ll consider using their service.

Sonia: Right! Anyway, it was all good fun. I’m quite happy with my phone package though, so I won’t be switching any time soon.

Lionel: You might change your mind if you see your face on television!

Упр. 1 | 2 | 3