Диалоги на английском языке для начинающих. Диалог Use a Tissue.

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A: Don’t wipe your nose on your sleeve.
B: But I don’t have a tissue.
A: Then go find a tissue in the bathroom.
B: I didn’t have time to get one from there.
A: Your sleeves are not tissues.
B: But Mom, all my friends use their sleeves.
A: That doesn’t make it right.
B: I saw Dad wipe his nose on his sleeve yesterday.
A: I will talk to your father about that.
B: I bet Dad did it all the time when he was my age.
A: Your daddy was a good little boy.
B: How do you know? Were you his mommy, too?
A: Don’t wipe your nose on your sleeve. — Не вытирай нс рукавом.
B: But I don’t have a tissue. — Но у меня нет салфетки.
A: Then go find a tissue in the bathroom. — Тогда пойди в ванную и найди салфетку.
B: I didn’t have time to get one from there. — У меня нет времени доставать ее оттуда.
A: Your sleeves are not tissues. — Твои рукава — это не салфетки.
B: But Mom, all my friends use their sleeves. — Но, мама, все мои друзья пользуются рукавами.
A: That doesn’t make it right. — Это неправильно.
B: I saw Dad wipe his nose on his sleeve yesterday. — Я видел, как папа вытирал вчера нос об рукав.
A: I will talk to your father about that. — Я поговорю с папой об этом.
B: I bet Dad did it all the time when he was my age. — Готов поспорить, что папа всегда так делал в моем возрасте.
A: Your daddy was a good little boy. — Твой папа был хорошим мальчиком.
B: How do you know? Were you his mommy, too? — Откуда ты знаешь? Ты и его мамой была?