Деловой английский — урок 6

Урок 6 для тех, кого интересует деловой английский. В этом уроке на примере работников Capital City Bank вы узнаете, как можно похвалить кого-либо за творческий подход и хорошо выполненную работу.

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Peter, Linda, and Todd work as managers at Capital City Bank, a retail bank. Linda’s creative idea for attracting new customers to the bank has generated lots of new business. — Питер, Линда и Тодд работают менеджерами в розничном банке Capital City Bank. Творческая идея Линды по привлечению клиентов в банк улучшило бизнес.

Peter: Great news! We had a record-breaking quarter. We brought in revenues of $500,000. Питер: Отличные новости! У нас рекордный квартал. Наш доход составил $500 000.
Linda: Wow, revenues really were through the roof! Линда: Уау, доход действительно очень высокий!
Todd: That’s great. Kudos to Linda! She deserves a pat on the back. The guerrilla marketing campaign she dreamed up was brilliant. She sent out e-mail to all of our customers asking them to e-mail a friend about our services. For each friend they e-mailed, they received a free gift. Тодд: Это отлично! Хотелось бы особо отметить Линду. Она заслуживает похвалы. Нетрадиционный маркетинг, который она придумала, был отличным. Она отправила электронные письма всем нашим клиентам, попросил им написать друзьям о наших услугах. За каждое письмо другу они получали бесплатный подарок.
Peter: Linda, your campaign helped us drum up a lot of business. We signed on 800 new customers. Питер: Линда, твоя кампания помогла привлечь много клиентов. Мы заключили договора с 800 новыми клиентами.
Linda: I’m really glad my plan panned out. I thought it would, since everybody loves a freebie! Линда: Я рада, что мой план удался. Я была уверена, что так и будет, так как все любят бесплатные вещи!
Todd: Linda, we can always count on you to think outside the box. Тодд: Линда, мы всегда можем рассчитывать на твое нестандартное мышление.
Linda: For the record, Peter helped me come up with the idea. Линда: Хочу заметить, что мне помогал с идеей Питер.
Peter: Thanks for sharing the credit, Linda. But it was your idea. Питер: Спасибо, Линда, за то, что меня тоже не забыла. Но идея была твоей.
Todd: The important thing is that we’re now giving our biggest competitor, U.S. Bank, a run for their money. Тодд: Самое главное — это то, что теперь мы составим сильную конкуренцию нашему самому большому конкуренту Банку США.


After another record-breaking quarter, eBay’s stock price hit a new high. — После очередного рекордного квартала, стоимость акций eBay поднялись на новую высоту.

through the roof
слишком высокий

No wonder people are complaining about the cost of heating their homes. Oil prices have gone through the roof! — Не удивительно, что люди жалуются на стоимость отопления их домов. Цены на нефть поднялись слишком высоко!

kudos to
Хотелось бы особо отметить…

Kudos to our R&D department. They’ve come up with a new shampoo formula that’s cheaper to manufacture and more effective on damaged hair. — Хотелось бы особо отметить отдел исследований и разработок. Они предложили новую формулу шампуня, который дешевле в производстве и более эффективен для поврежденных волос.

a pat on the back
признание, похвала

«Team, give yourselves a pat on the back. Our results are in and we just had our most successful quarter ever!» — «Ребята, вы можете себя поздравить. Вот наши результаты, и у нас был самый успешный квартал за все время!»

guerrilla marketing
нетрадиционный (партизанский) маркетинг

To promote his new Internet dating service, Don painted his car pink and wrote «Don’s Dating Service» in big letters on both sides of the car. That’s effective guerrilla marketing! — Для продвижения своего нового интернет-сервиса по знакомствам Дон раскрасил свою машину в розовый цвет и написал большими буквами по обоим сторонам авто «Служба знакомств Дона».

dream up

A disposable lemon-scented toilet brush? What will companies dream up next? — Одноразовая туалетная щетка с запахом лимона? И что же еще придумают компании?

(to) drum up business
находить клиентов (покупателей), создавать бизнес

Sales have been very slow lately. Do you have any ideas for drumming up business? — Последнее время продажи малы. У тебя есть идеи по поводу того, как найти новых клиентов?

(to) sign on new customers (or members)
подписать (привлечь, получить, привести) новых клиентов

The fitness center was able to sign on 300 new members in May thanks to their successful advertising campaign. — Фитнесс-центр смог привлечь 300 новых членов в мае благодаря своей успешной рекламной кампании.

(to) pan out
преуспевать, удаваться

When Steve’s career in acting didn’t pan out, he decided to go to business school. Когда актерская карьера Стива не удалась, он решил пойти в школу бизнеса.

(to) think outside the box
мыслить нестандартно, творчески

The small law firm is losing business to larger rivals. The firm needs to think outside the box and come up with some creative ways to market its services. — Маленькая юридическая фирма проигрывает бизнес более крупным конкурентам. Фирме надо мыслить нестандартно и придумать творческие способы продавать свои услуги.

just for the record (also: for the record)
хочу заметить

I know that everybody else likes the idea of using a bear for a mascot, but, just for the record, I think it’s a lousy idea. — Я знаю, что всем нравится идея с использованием медведя в качестве талисмана, но, хочу заметить, я думаю, что это плохая идея.

(to) share the credit
признать заслуги других

Thank you for giving me the award for coming up with the best new product idea this year. But I really need to share the credit with my colleagues in the marketing department. — Спасибо за присуждение мне награды за лучший новый продукт этого года. Но на самом деле я должен признать заслуги моих коллег из отдела маркетинга.

(a) run for one’s money
сильная конкуренция

When Yahoo decided to go into the online search business, they gave Google a run for their money. — Когда Yahoo решило заняться поисковым онлайн-бизнесом, они составили Google сильную конкуренцию.

Выберите наиболее правильную ответную реплику:

1) Our store had a very successful holiday season this year. Sales were through the roof!

— I’m sorry to hear that you need a new roof.
— That’s great. Congratulations!
— Don’t worry. Maybe next year will be better.

2) We’re looking for some fresh thinking in our marketing department. Are you good at thinking outside the box?

— Yes, I tend to think like everybody else.
— Yes, I enjoy approaching new projects in a traditional way.
— Yes, I’m great at coming up with new and creative ideas.

3) I’d like to share the credit with you. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to find this important new client.

— Thank you. I appreciate the recognition.
— Thanks, but I already have enough credit.
— I think I deserve some of the credit too.

4) A big Ace Hardware store is opening up in town. Do you think they’ll give our local hardware store a run for their money?

— Definitely. Their selection will be bigger and their prices may be lower.
— Yes, our local hardware store will definitely run out of money.
— No. Everybody in town will start shopping at Ace Hardware.

5) Since you need to drum up some new business, I suggest you exhibit at a trade show.

— We don’t have any business right now.
— We’ve been thinking about going into the drum business.
— Great idea! I’m sure we could find some new clients there.

6) You deserve a pat on the back for figuring out how to fix our computer network.

— Thanks. It was my pleasure.
— Thanks. Let me turn around so you can see my back.
— Sorry. I wish I could’ve done a better job.

7) Kudos to you and the rest of the manufacturing department for figuring out how to cut our production costs!

— We don’t need any more kudos. We have enough in inventory.
— Thank you. We are proud of our results.
— We’ll try our best, but we can’t guarantee anything.

8) Traditional ways of advertising are no longer working for our firm. Do you think we should try some guerrilla marketing?

— Absolutely. It’s always better to use reliable old methods.
— Yes, new ways of marketing might help increase sales.
— No, I think you should try marketing to monkeys instead.

Выберите наиболее правильную ответную реплику:

1) Our store had a very successful holiday season this year. Sales were through the roof!

— I’m sorry to hear that you need a new roof.
— That’s great. Congratulations!
— Don’t worry. Maybe next year will be better.

2) We’re looking for some fresh thinking in our marketing department. Are you good at thinking outside the box?

— Yes, I tend to think like everybody else.
— Yes, I enjoy approaching new projects in a traditional way.
— Yes, I’m great at coming up with new and creative ideas.

3) I’d like to share the credit with you. Without you, I wouldn’t have been able to find this important new client.

— Thank you. I appreciate the recognition.
— Thanks, but I already have enough credit.
— I think I deserve some of the credit too.

4) A big Ace Hardware store is opening up in town. Do you think they’ll give our local hardware store a run for their money?

— Definitely. Their selection will be bigger and their prices may be lower.
— Yes, our local hardware store will definitely run out of money.
— No. Everybody in town will start shopping at Ace Hardware.

5) Since you need to drum up some new business, I suggest you exhibit at a trade show.

— We don’t have any business right now.
— We’ve been thinking about going into the drum business.
— Great idea! I’m sure we could find some new clients there.

6) You deserve a pat on the back for figuring out how to fix our computer network.

— Thanks. It was my pleasure.
— Thanks. Let me turn around so you can see my back.
— Sorry. I wish I could’ve done a better job.

7) Kudos to you and the rest of the manufacturing department for figuring out how to cut our production costs!

— We don’t need any more kudos. We have enough in inventory.
— Thank you. We are proud of our results.
— We’ll try our best, but we can’t guarantee anything.

8) Traditional ways of advertising are no longer working for our firm. Do you think we should try some guerrilla marketing?

— Absolutely. It’s always better to use reliable old methods.
— Yes, new ways of marketing might help increase sales.
— No, I think you should try marketing to monkeys instead.