Способы выражения будущих действий в английском языке

Выполните упражнение на способы выражения будущих действий в английском языке.

Поставьте глагол в правильное время.


1. Unless Тоm ____ his library book tomorrow he will have to pay a fine.
1) will return
2) would return
3) returns
4) has returned

2. By the time she comes home we ____ the translation.
1) have finished
2) will have finished
3) will finish
4) finish

3. We will wait here till it ____ dark.
1) is getting
2) will get
3) gets
4) has got

4. He is only 35 but he has started losing his hair already. He ____ all by the time he is 50.
1) will have lost
2) is losing
3) will lose
4) has lost

5. I wonder if we ever ____ each other again.
1) are seeing
2) would see
3) will see
4) will have seen

6. They ____ their minds by the election time next April.
1) will make up
2) will have made up
3) are making up
4) have made up

7. I hope they ____ this unpleasant episode by the time they meet again.
1) will have forgotten
2) have forgotten
3) will forget
4) are forgetting

8. I can’t decide if I will join you till I know when they ____ .
1) will leave
2) would leave
3) will have left
4) leave

9. I don’t know if they ____ new people. If they do, I will inform you of it.
1) hire
2) are hiring
3) will hire
4) have hired

10. Our train leaves at 8 o’clock. If you come at 5, we ____ our things.
1) will pack
2) are packing
3) will be packing
4) would be packing

1. Unless Тоm returns his library book tomorrow he will have to pay a fine. — Если Том не вернет книгу в библиотеку завтра, то ему придется заплатить штраф.

2. By the time she comes home we will have finished the translation. — К тому времени как он придет, мы уже завершим перевод.

3. We will wait here till it gets dark. — Мы подождем, пока не стемнеет.

4. He is only 35 but he has started losing his hair already. He will have lost all by the time he is 50. — Ему только 35, но он уже начал терять волосы. Он потеряет все волосы к 50 годам.

5. I wonder if we ever will see each other again. — Интересно, увидим ли друг друга снова.

6. They will have made up their minds by the election time next April. — Они примут решение к выборам в следующем апреле.

7. I hope they will have forgotten this unpleasant episode by the time they meet again. — Я надеюсь, что они забудут этот неприятный эпизод к тому времени, как встретятся снова.

8. I can’t decide if I will join you till I know when they will leave. — Я не могу решить, присоединюсь ли я к тебе, пока не буду знать, когда они уедут.

9. I don’t know if they will hire new people. If they do, I will inform you of it. — Я не знаю, будут ли они нанимать новых людей. Если да, то я тебя проинформирую.

10. Our train leaves at 8 o’clock. If you come at 5, we will be packing our things. — Наш поезд отправляется в 8 часов. Если ты придешь в пять, то мы будем упаковывать наши вещи.